Wednesday 23 March 2011

screen shot of editing

This is the screen shot of what i consider to be my final trailer, first though i am going to see what other people think and gain some perspective. This was edited on Final Cut Pro, i used such tools as the pen tool which meant that i could control the sound levels on the audio, and the light levels on the video.

The finished timeline is just under 2 mins, but after checking on You Tube for other college's trailers from previous years, they were roughly the same.

Friday 18 March 2011

filming information

I will now tell you where i filmed, the weather conditions, what props were used, who was in my trailer and who was involved.


  • Eliss Andrews - Jane Smith

  • Sam Hoggarth - Clive Morris

  • Danielle Bowman - Sarah Allen

  • Hayley Johnston - Ruby Marie

Crew Members:

  • Hayley Johnston - Director and Producer

  • Sam Hoggarth - Assistant Director

These next lists are what was used in each filming session.

Restaurant, dog walk and door knocking scenes:

  • The restaurant was filmed in the night, aided by street lights. I avoided getting the name of the restaurant in shot. Sam is wearing the coat he wears throughout, this is what he always wears and so the audience identifies with him. I used this location...

  • The scene where i filmed the dog walking scene was shot in the day time, by the beach and it was fairly windy to create an eerie atmosphere. Sam is still wearing the coat and he uses a newspaper prop to create that cliché 'stalker hiding behind the paper', the other prop was my non-camera-shy dog. I used this place..

  • Finally the door knocking scene; i made sure Eliss had her coat off because in the time line it would be a different day. The day was the same, and i used no extra props.

Box room and knife scene:

  • The box room is a very small room in my house where i filmed, i changed the room to include a bed, a desk/shelves. I accompanied these with a lamp, laptop, books, DVDs, stationary, paper, deodorant and a newspaper. These are some of the typical things you would have in your room. The scene when i filmed was not aided by any light from inside the room, but the light behind where i was filming (the landing light). Sam was wearing the coat still.
  • The knife scene was filmed in the evening and aided again by the light that was on the landing. I used a knife that was quite large and made sure it was in the shot. Sam was also wearing the coat.

Running, looking up at window and standing behind the wall scenes:

  • the running through the garden was done at nearly night time, the girl was not wearing any jacket because she would have just run from inside the house, no time to grab a coat. There were no props, just several scenes of running that we did.
  • looking up at the window was done at nearly night time, there were no props here, and the girl was just up in my room walking around doing whatever she fancied.
  • when standing behind the wall she just stood and stared and i filmed her. This was done down the back of my back garden down an alley way that everyone along my road can access.

my final poster and magazine cover

Thursday 10 March 2011


When creating my film trailer it was important to consider regulation that would occur when making the real thing. The BBFC regulate films to protect people from such things like horror and sexual scenes, and they also use these services to regualte film trailers. I have targetted by audience at 15-45 year olds because i believe that this audience would be able to understand my plot, it wouldn't be under 15 because i think that they would not be able to cope with some of the scenes that occur. Scenes included in my trailer are things like a knife scene, a terryfying scream and the plot of being followed against your will. These will potentially cause some young people turmoil, and they might not understand what is happening.

I have decided that because of my target audience and the content in my trailer, that i will regulate it at certificate 15. I have come to this conclusion based on what 15 certificate covers. It mentions the following things; no discriminatory language or behaivour, drug taking but not used to encourage it, horror is permitted unless sadistic or sexualised, no detail of dangerous behaivour so not to be copied and no glamourised weapons, language like f*** can be used and c*** to some extent but only if justified in context, nudity in a sexual context, sex without strong content and finally violence can be used but not to afflict pain. Based on these regulations i thought it best to regulate my trailer at a 15 because it includes a weapon but i have not glamourised it, and if i were to make the film it would include violence and in the trailer it is made slightly apparent.

Friday 4 March 2011

poster progress

This is the progress of how i came to my final poster (the last one). I have to tweek it slightly, then i will post both my finished poster and my magazine cover (i needed to add my poster in the corner bubble of my magazine cover).