Wednesday 17 November 2010

Videoed interviews for my film trailer.

This video is 5 different people answering questions from my questionnaire about my film trailer. The answers are all really good, and i will go back to them when making my trailer.

That was the main reason for making a questionnaire, but also for me to practice editing. You can see that i have faded each answer and instead of my voice asking them, i have put writing on screen. I learnt several new skills doing this. The shots where Sam answers, the audio isn't the best, for some reason the original audio was quieter, so i increased it, but this also increased the 'tinny' background you can hear. I will make sure when filming my trailer that when shooting, i check the audio levels to begin with.

Hopefully, when you see my final trailer, the editing will be a lot better than here.


  1. very good, good mix of people

  2. I like the video a lot and it is very informative well done :)
