Friday 17 September 2010

Conventions of a film trailer.

There are many film trailers out there now in the industry, and they all follow a similar pattern, these are conventions. Some of course challenge these conventions, but here are what to include:
  • title
  • release date
  • could include actors involved
  • some snippets of dialogue or action
  • production company
  • director could be shown

The objective of a film trailer is to get the audience wanting to watch the film, in order to do this it needs to catch your attention. This could be achieved in many ways, you could pay attention to the actors and include clippets of dialogue to leave you wanting to hear more. If it's a comedy the last line could be one particularly funny one so that it makes you want to watch it. If it's a horror film the trailer could leave you wanting to know who the killer or villian is. It could introduce the film by saying something like "from the director that brought you..such and such". These are all ways that can make you watch a certain film, basically a trailer has to keep you gripped throughout and keep you wanting to see more.

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