Friday 17 September 2010

Trailers produced from potential competitors I would face

This film trailer is for the film One Hour Photo. The film is about a man who works in a supermarket and is in charge of taking the pictures. He becomes fascinates with this one family who he eventually stalks. At the beginning the voice over is provided by dialogue from the movie and while the mother and the son are speaking you see shots of the character 'Sy's' life. You also see the production company (fox searchlight). Sy then introduces what he does for a living, another snippet of dialogue from the film, the screen goes black and then writing appears saying "he knows your name", this will give you a sense of the kind of person Sy is, so it will keep the audience interested. Another shot from the film and more writing saying "he knows your life", then another shot and more writing saying "he knows where you live", this will have hooked the audience. Some reviews then appear with more shots from the film, it then starts to speed up as the action of the film begins, the music also begins to sound orchestral to add to the intensity. A voice-over then introduces Robin Williams as acedemy award winning, and then the last line names the title of the film.

Over summer I started looking at films I have watched in the past that I liked. One was Hard Candy, this film is about a paedophile that takes pictures of young women then meets up with them and presumably rapes them. He meets up with the character played by Ellen Page and things hit off. Throughout this trailer there is no voice over, only quotes from the film. The pace is slow at the beginning so you get the story a little bit. It then speeds up as the film starts to get more intense, there are then snapshots of images of the film so you only see little bits of the action that takes place. When these are being shown you sound of a camera shutter can be heard, this reflects the theme of the movie. It then slows down so you hear Ellen Page say "play time is over, now its time to wake up". It leaves you gripped.

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