Tuesday 5 October 2010

pictures are important..

I like this poster because it matches the theme of the film, throughout the film Hannibal is hiding, and by having him half shaded, if reflects this. I want to use this kind of idea for my film poster. My idea is a stalker film, so to have the stalker shaded so you can't properly see them would fit perfectly..this poster is a good example of that.

This poster which is promoting the psychological thriller, Hard Candy is a really good example of a poster with the genre thriller. The main focus is of the girl in the middle, and there are 3 things to notice; she has her hood up which shows that she cannot see clearly what could potentially come up behind her. She is portrayed as little red riding hood, who is a vulnerable character and she is wearing red which symbolises horror, or blood. The fact that she is standing on a trap obviously indicates that she is trapped, which reflects the plot of the film (she is subject to a paedophile). Overall, i really like this poster.

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