Tuesday 5 October 2010

update on my decisions.

I have decided that for my film magazine cover i shall have the main actress on the front. She will be standing looking forward past the camera with a scared look on her face. She will be alone, the male character will not be on the front of the magazine cover.
Included on the front will be in big writing 'Ever wonder what it's like to be stalked? Eliss Andrews tells all!' - there will be an interview inside with the actress on filming, getting into character and her co-stars.
Other puffs will be 'Interview with top director..(name)' , ' Top 10 releases this year' , 'Free posters' , 'Reviews of latest films' , 'Actual drafts of script from new film in the making'.
There will also be a barcode, price, issue date and a website for the magazine cover.

For my film poster, there will be both the characters on the front. The actress will be in a slightly different pose and an even more scared look on her face. She will be standing next to a brick wall, holding on to the edge and looking out past the camera. Behind her, in the shadows (so he is disguised) will be the stalker, the male character, he will be looking down towards the floor so you cannot see his face.
The poster will have the tagline - "Don't you hate it when she never calls?" (referring to the fact that in my film there is a man who has been on endless dates and none of them ever call, he basically has a mental problem of some sort and goes out of proportion and kills each one that does that. The film focuses on one woman.)
It will also have the release date, the production company, the website, credits, and some reviews.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a great film, the people you have chosen look perfect! location looks scary enough but would like to see a night pic. cant wait to see fin film! well done.
